Saturday, July 30, 2016

"What is The B.A.R.N.?" by Elmore Pentatook

What is The B.A.R.N.?

According to Michael King (The B.A.R.N.S.'s Minister of Production), the acronym means "The Bureau of Artistic and Rhetorical Nonsense," which would suggest that the group is an art collective producing pop culture artifacts. However, according to Richard F. Yates (Propaganda Czar for the group), The B.A.R.N. is merely a collection of concerned citizens attempting to analyze and interpret the electronic media onslaught currently assaulting every human eye and ear by phone, television screen, and computer monitor---identifying trends and social patterns---and then offering practical advice to their clients on how to react to the data that they collect. Yates claims the acronym stands for "Basic Analysis of Radical Networks."

In a more sinister interpretation, a former B.A.R.N. agent, who wished to remain anonymous, claims that The B.A.R.N. is actually a think tank for a radical network of anarchists and conspiracy theorists who are attempting to manipulate society through subtle suggestion, fear tactics, and misinformation, but anonymous claims should always be taken with a certain amount of skepticism.

---Elmore Pentatook (Henpeck Gazette)

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